Blue Magic book launch is tonight!

If you are in Vancouver and would like to attend, please consider yourself invited. It’ll be at 7:30 p.m. at the UBC Bookstore DOWNTOWN, OMG, please don’t go to Point Grey! at 800 Robson Street. There will be cookies and teas and a surprise guest artist too, and I will read something shiny and new that nobody’s ever heard before.

If you’re out of town and want to join the online party instead, I have continued to do some guest blogging this week:

Joshua Palmatier interviews me about the book, here.
Starmetaloak asked me about the First Nations storyline, so I wrote Raising the Roused for her.
Did I already tell you about The Magic of the Pacific Northwest

Finally, I will be at the Fan Expo Vancouver this weekend, selling, signing books and, I’m thinking, maybe doing a little stuntwriting. In other words, I might sit in the crowded Convention center amid a massive hubbub and see if I can crank words on the latest of The Gales, which is called “Island of the Giants.” Tweeting could ensue.

(The Gales? What Gales? The first is “Among the Silvering Herd.”)

Shades of darkness and egoboo

Peter Watts was here a couple weeks ago, and in the course of a long and roving conversation, he told us that Caitlin Sweet’s The Pattern Scars was up for The Bookie Award on the CBC Site. (And she’s won–her post is here! Peter’s analysis of the voting patterns is here.)

I haven’t met Caitlin, though I’m keen to, and I haven’t read the book yet. But it’s dark, apparently. Very dark. In the course of describing this novel to us, Peter said:

I mean, your stuff is dark, but at least your characters get to experience these brief bright moments of magical beauty before everything turns completely to shit.

As descriptions of my stuff go–especially, perhaps, Indigo Springs, I have to say I find this completely delightful. And I want to add that if you like darker-themed fiction, and you read something of mine and think, “Damn! Too cheery!” (It could happen!)

Well, you now know who to look up, don’t you?

Congratulations, Caitlin!

Everyone loves a werewolf, am I right?

If it’s Tuesday, my Buffy essay must be up at It’s called “The Wonderful World of Oz,” (it’s about “Phases”) and if the overall lycanthrope vibe pleases you on this fine spring morning, consider having a look at my baby werewolf has two mommies story, “The Cage,” also at Tor.

This weekend I will be appearing at Norwescon in Seattle. I will be reading from Blue Magic, which is out in one short week (I hope to have a few advance copies to give away to lucky con-goers!) Here’s the rest of my schedule:

Friday, 10 am – Adventure Stories
Swashbucklers, pirates, oh my? What makes an adventure story different from other science fiction and fantasy stories? And, do most adventure stories get the action right?

Friday, 11:30 am A.M. Dellamonica reads Blue Magic
A reading from the sequel of the Sunburst Award-Winning Indigo Springs (Rated PG)
A.M. Dellamonica

Friday, 2 pm Interview and Q&A with Guest of Honor Stephen Baxter
Not gonna be there? Want me to ask Baxter something? Comment soon, comment often!

Saturday, Noon, The Blogger Effect
Has blogging ruined the fine art of editing? What do we gain (and lose) with publishing spontaneous writing? There is a growing network of SF/F professional and aspiring writers connected via a variety of blogging communities. Is it breaking down the barriers between pro, amateur, and fan-ficcer? Does it function as an informal online writers’ workshop, a support group, or a black hole of cat-vacuuming?

Saturday 3 pm Autograph Session

Saturday, 6 pm. What I Wish Someone Had Told Me
Established SF/F writers discuss lessons they learned the hard way that they wish someone had told them when they were first starting out.

Sekrit Project Unveiled!

I’m extremely pleased to announce that Jim Frenkel of Tor Books has bought the first three books in my next ecofantasy series. We haven’t quite settled on a title for the series yet, but the first book’s working title is CHILD OF STORMS and it takes place on Stormwrack, the same world as my story “Among the Silvering Herd,” which features adventuress Gale Feliachild and a handsome young sailor named Garland Parrish.

The first book is tentatively scheduled for release next year. I’m revising it right now.

In Tuesday Tor news, my Buffy rewatch this week is “A Very Unhappy Birthday, Take One.”, as I’ve mentioned, also has the first chapter of Blue Magic up, if you want a peek. (The giveaway of five copies of Indigo Springs and Blue Magic ARCs ended Friday, I’m afraid, but I think you can safely expect other opportunities to win copies.)

“Among the SIlvering Herd,” cover art

As some of you may have seen on Facebook yesterday, artist Richard Anderson has done a marvelous job on the cover for my novelette “Among the Silvering Herd,” whose release date on has been shifted to February 15th. (I tell you this in the unlikely event that you remembered and went looking for it Wednesday.)

silvering herd

This novelette is the first in a series of short pieces I’ve written over the past six months. There are five so far and collectively, they’re called The Gales. I look forward to getting them out in front of you all as quickly as ever I can, not least because I am having an obscene amount of fun writing these stories. I can’t wait to see how they grab you.