Latest #Buffyrewatch – “The I in Team”

The Slayer’s in with the Initiative for all of a minute this week on my rewatch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As for me, I’m a few weeks ahead of the rewatch pub dates, so I’m busily writing my essay on “Superstar.”

Here’s the essay: “All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses An Arm Skewer.”

And the whole rewatch, because a couple people have said they want to start rewatching from the beginning.

A #BuffyRewatch link from a crazy busy Alyx

Yesterday’s Buffy Rewatch is about “A New Man,” the S4 episode where Giles gets all demonic.

I am just back from Orycon and the pile of stuff to be dealt with is simply immense. But by day’s end if you’re waiting on an e-mail from me, you’ll have a reply. If you’re waiting for me to check your homework, it’ll be done. If you’re a pear sitting in my kitchen, you’ll be chopped and cooked to perfection. Mmm, pears.

I suspect you’re all watching politics on TV and I’m the furthest thing from your minds, so that’ll let me stealth in and catch up. U.S. friends, I am thinking of you.

Hush–the Rewatch! (Being an Alyx #Buffyrewatch on @tordotcom)

You loved “Hush.” I loved “Hush.” When Kelly and I rented a local theater in Vancouver for a showing of “Once More with Feeling,” “Hush” was the episode we watched as a preview. It is, I am certain, the S4 episode I’ve seen the most times. And here’s what I said about it.

And, by the way, it includes a handy sample of the tweets we’d be seeing from the Scoobies if the Gentlemen hit Sunnydale today. And it wasn’t a smoking crater.

If it’s Tuesday, Dawn’s not on the #Buffyrewatch yet

Last week’s went up as usual, but I didn’t manage to post links, because honestly, shoving all the furniture in the two bedrooms of our house made me OMG, Holy Crap, that tired. So this week’s essay is on “Something Blue” and it’s called “A Prelude to Spuffy.” And last week’s was, appropriately enough, the Thanksgiving episode, and I called it “You Made a Bear!”

Telewitterings: Elementary, my Dear Revolution

We watched about three quarters of the first Revolution before hitting the nuke button right in the midst of the big Uncle Versus Everybody combat sequence. I love Giancarlo Esposito with a love that’s true, but the pilot had nothing else to recommend it: no likeable or charismatic leads, a middlin’ SF construct, whiny yawner dialog. Time better spent watching Justified and/or Damages on Netflix, basically.

Elementary may well fall in that category, too. Lucy Liu is wonderful, and gorgeous, and fabulously dressed and freckled, and I’m glad Aidan Quinn has found himself another cop role after the tragic, heartbreaking, deeply unfair demise of Prime Suspect. But Johnny Lee Miller needs to become somewhat appealing right this second, and so do the scripts. But Lucy! We will watch it one more time at least.

Other new shows I plan to try: Arrow, Last Resort, 666 Park Avenue.