Oz gets the boot on the #BuffyRewatch

My latest season four rewatch is up, and it’s “New Moon Rising.”

I loved Oz, and Seth Green as Oz, but I’m also all: Yay! Tara!

Telewitterings: the Dearth

The new TV season hasn’t offered much we’ve wanted to watch as it airs: we’re more or less keeping up with Elementary (We don’t have FX so we haven’t been watching American Horror Story, though we’ll catch that up at some point) and are slowly working through a backlog of 666 Park Avenue episodes on the DVR.

What we’ve mostly been watching, instead, has been S1 of Homeland, with Damien Lewis and Claire Danes. It has been entertaining, but grim. It was fun counting the overlaps with the previous Lewis series, Life–both his characters were imprisoned for long periods of time, for example, both experienced religious conversions while locked up, both had marriage meltdowns, etc. You can find a lot if you’re looking.

But we’re thinking we need something cheerier and maybe costume drama-y next, to wash out the grim. I know Downton Abbey will be on PBS soon, and I’m not quite yawning as I type this, but I have to say I’m not in total love with DA. It’ll be fine, don’t get me wrong, but only just.

So I’m cruising “Top Costume Drama” lists on the intertubes, with an eye to identifying some cool olde fashionede thinge we somehow haven’t seen yet. Failing that, we may rewatch Daniel Deronda.

To which end: what are your faves in this category?

Superstar superstar everyone’s a superstar on the #Buffyrewatch

Well, no. Jonathan’s a superstar. And here’s my weekly essay: “Slaying is Hard! Let’s Go Shopping!

I have enjoyed rewatching S4. It’s been long enough that I forgot a lot of the nuances and hilarious lines, and frankly it’s easier to gently mock the episodes that are, oh, let’s say a little shaky. This may mean that after S5 the rewatches will get funnier and funnier; that’s my hope, anyway.

And while I’m all me, me, me, link!, ’tis the season to remind some of you that I have Nebula eligible fiction. There’s my novel, Blue Magic, which was out in April, my novelettes “Among the Silvering Herd” and “Wild Things,” on Tor.com, and a new squid story, “The Sweet Spot,” about the Fiend invasion of Hawaii, on Lightspeed.

Faith hits the #BuffyRewatch @Tordotcom

The season four two-parter featuring the return of Faith is up–it’s called “The Last of the Red Hot Slayers.”

I know this blog has been light on everything but Buffy posts lately, but I am hoping to get back to a more varied routine soon. Thank you for bearing with me as I put the finishing touches on the current novel. It’s slated to go off to my agent on Friday.

In which the #BuffyRewatch attempts to ungarble something quite garbly

Or, as I called it, “Bye Bye Mister Yankee Pie.” Enjoy!