After a writing date, a quick trot out to the clinic for immunotherapy, and a run to the incomparably delicious Forno Cultura for lunch, we went to our first TIFF film yesterday. Its English title was In The Shadow of Women and Kelly’s thoroughly articulate and delightful write-up is here.
I’m not generally big on angsty adulterers as a topic for fiction, but Philippe Garrel’s direction was tight, the cinematography was gorgeous and, oddly, I found the sound direction very interesting. Aside from being distanced from the subject matter, my only real beef with the film was the voiceover narration, which seemed completely unnecessary. “Pierre was hurt by Manon’s having cheated on him, despite cheating himself…” No, really? So that’s why he’s being such a wankstain? Didn’t need it. What I would have loved was if the voiceover had gone in the absolute opposite direction. “Pierre was totally cool with Manon’s cheating, and acknowledged the inner depths of his own hypocrisy…” Followed by the scene where he’s all pouty and asking about her sex with the Other Dude.
Today’s international cinema experience: Starve Your Dog.