Normal’s overrated on the #BuffyRewatch @tordotcom

slayerI have reached “Normal Again” as I make my way through Season 6. I have to say, it’s really quite a bit more upbeat than I remembered, if only because the previous episodes are such incredible downers.


Get your exciting doublemeat right here at the @tordotcom #BuffyRewatch

slayerIt’s take your fans to work day on Buffy, as we all go heigh-ho to the land of fast food and orange uniforms.

What I have concluded, now that I’ve just rewatched “Hell’s Bells,” (because I’m a few weeks ahead of the posted rewatches) is that “Doublemeat Palace” is far from the most depressing of the S6 Buffy episodes. Still. McJob. There’s not much fun to be had there.

The #BuffyRewatch is “Gone” on @tordotcom

slayerThis week Buffy’s invisible and the Trio reveal themselves to the Scoobies in my rewatch of “Gone.” Also, Buffy’s hair is declared officially teh cute.

I will be appearing at FanExpo all week, starting Thursday. Look for me in “Author’s Alley” and at a panel on Friday at 6:15 p.m. on WorldBuilding and Epic Fantasy magic systems. I’m very excited about my first face-to-face collision with Toronto fandom, though very sad to be FanExpoing with my bestest con wingman, D.D. Barant of the Bloodhound Files novels.