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Tag Archives: buffyrewatch
Get your exciting doublemeat right here at the @tordotcom #BuffyRewatch
It’s take your fans to work day on Buffy, as we all go heigh-ho to the land of fast food and orange uniforms.
What I have concluded, now that I’ve just rewatched “Hell’s Bells,” (because I’m a few weeks ahead of the posted rewatches) is that “Doublemeat Palace” is far from the most depressing of the S6 Buffy episodes. Still. McJob. There’s not much fun to be had there.
Smash goes the #BuffyRewatch on @tordotcom
The Buffy rewatch continues to move into the harsh terrain of season six with “Smashed.” Enjoy, if you can!
Yesterday was some kind of civic holiday here in Ontarioland, and it was Pride Weekend in Vancouver. I saw some fantastic pictures of many of my friends on Instagram from the latter event. In many ways, it was better than getting sunburned trying to see the parade.
What Kelly and I did with the day off: we went down to Fort York to partake of the Simcoe Day celebrations. Drum and fife bands and redcoats a-drillin’! It was a lot of fun. Here’s the band engaging in some fancy footwork:
Forgetting it all on the #BuffyRewatch
Last week having been the musical, this week’s essay is about “Tabula Rasa.” Which is one of my favorite episodes, as it happens.
The #BuffyRewatch is part of a big birthday week @tordotcom
My wife, my niece and my brother-in-law all have birthdays this week, and so does To celebrate, the latter has collected all of its original fiction into one great big free download of love. You can get it here by registering at the site. It includes three stories by me: “The Cage,” “Among the Silvering Herd,” and “Wild Things.”
Back in Sunnydale, meanwhile, it’s Halloween, and Dawn’s feeling all the way frisky, if you know what I mean.