It’s a three things make a post day: My latest Quantum Leap rewatch is on TOR.COM today; the episode is “Shock Theater,” and it wraps up my discussion of the overall QL arc, at least until we get to “Mirror Image” in a month or so. Right now, I’m easing my way through season four.
I had a glance at my Annual Books Read list today. I do this every November, conclude that I haven’t read nearly enough, and then pick up my reading socks for a couple months. Then, usually around February, I’m hit by a tidal wave of teaching and slide back into my usual reading pace.
As part of this process, I went to HyperGeek and read their 2009 and 2010 roundups of shiny new, uber-amazing graphic novels, and then requested a bunch of same from the public library. I expect the house to be full of four-color goodness in a matter of days. And probably a few things that strain the definition of ‘goodness.’ And maybe even one or two that I’ll wish I hadn’t even glanced at. Hopefully there will be no Pride of Baghdad moments. Don’t get me wrong… it is an amazing graphic novel. But I’m just not looking to cry that hard when I’m reading comics.
And, finally, a photo. I was doing the kibble run to the vet’s at Kingsway and Clark(ish) awhile ago and discovered Stellar Jay heaven on the route… on Fleming and 18th, to be precise. I’ve never seen so many of the jays in one place; there were flickers aplenty, too, and one varied thrush. Most of the images I got were just okay, but I like the jay/fence combo in this one. He’s sort of glamour shotty, don’t you think?