Tasha Baran – 2016-07-05 18:25:17

I apologize, I am not certain how to address you or if this is even the correct place to ask you.
Is Ms/Mrs Dellamonica acceptable or do you have a preference?

I am a student currently enrolled in “Writing the Fantastic” and I want to ask about one of the assignments that are due.

The assignment in question is the “Story Questions”

Perhaps I am mistaken, but it seems (at least from my computer) that “Two Dreams on Trains” is lacking a pdf to read. I wanted to check with you to be sure.

Thank you in advance for any response. Best Regards!

AUTHOR: Tasha Baran
AUTHOR EMAIL: tasha.s.baran@gmail.com
SUBJECT: [A.M. Dellamonica – words and pictures] Contact Me!
[1_Name] => Tasha Baran
[2_Email] => tasha.s.baran@gmail.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Hello
I apologize, I am not certain how to address you or if this is even the correct place to ask you.
Is Ms/Mrs Dellamonica acceptable or do you have a preference?

I am a student currently enrolled in “Writing the Fantastic” and I want to ask about one of the assignments that are due.

The assignment in question is the “Story Questions”

Perhaps I am mistaken, but it seems (at least from my computer) that “Two Dreams on Trains” is lacking a pdf to read. I wanted to check with you to be sure.

Thank you in advance for any response. Best Regards!

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