By way of a tasty appetizer for the release of A Daughter of No Nation, my marvelous publisher Tor Books has put the e-book edition of Child of a Hidden Sea
on sale in all digital formats: Kindle, iBook, B&N Nook, Kobo and Google Play. Feel like spreading the word? Here’s a Tweet:
CHILD OF A HIDDEN SEA, ebook edition, on sale for $2.99 in all formats! Tell your friends and well-heeled enemies!
— Alyx Dellamonica (@AlyxDellamonica) October 26, 2015
A second appetizer course will be coming your way shortly, in the form of an excerpt from the new book, which will be out December 1st.
Meanwhile, don’t forget that Goodreads giveaway. The odds are currently about one in a hundred for you to be one of five lucky winners who’ll get advance copies of the novel. And I’m running a contest for a copy of your choice of my first three novels. You can still get in on both draws- details are here!