As many of you will have already seen on Facebook and elsewhere, Tor has revealed the finished cover for the hardcover edition of A Daughter of No Nation
, which will be out this November. The illustration was done by Cynthia Sheppard, and shows Nightjar, with Sophie, sailing into the harbor at Lamentation, which is the main port on Issle Morta. (It’s not the capital, mind; I’ll have to take you all to Hell on some other occasion.)
That’s right, folks–Parrish is going home in this novel, at least for a quick hit-and-run visit!
I’ve linked to the Amazon pre-order page above. You can also order early via Indigo (though they don’t have the cover up yet.) So does Powell’s.
I should be turning in the third Sophie Hansa novel, NATURE OF A PIRATE, to my editor at Tor quite soon. But first I have pages for the paperback edition of Child of a Hidden Sea to proofread; that will be out in June. What’s more, I’ve been putting a shine on a submission for this James Bond-themed bad boy of an antho, out soon from ChiDunnit.
If you have questions about the sequel, shout ’em out. I won’t spoil, but teasing isn’t out of the question.
Is Sophie’s brother coming back?
How much time takes place between the end of CHILD and the beginning of DAUGHTER?
Will we ever see a map? (you knew I needed to ask that)
What new characters are you most excited to introduce us to?
It shall be done… and thank you for asking!
This is an evocative and awesome cover. Zooming in, however, I note that Sophie only has three fingers on her left hand. Is she part Gorn?
It would be awesome if she were part gorn.
If so, I could retitle the novel GORN GIRL!!