I am on a couple “Most Anticipated” lists this week. One is at Audiobookaneers, and the other is io9’s Most Astounding Must-Read Science Fiction And Fantasy Books In June.
Most astounding. You just can’t read that, as an author, and not feel awfully big-headed.
The book is out in 15 days, which means this blog may be taken over by it, to some extent… although I expect kitten-related entries to make it into the mix, too. I’ll be guest-blogging some more at Magical Words, and in some other venues, and doing a lot of jumping up and down going “Eeeee, looka meee!!!” If there’s anything you want to know or talk about as that’s all happening, let me know. I am still pondering some of your What should I Blog About requests but I haven’t reached publishable conclusions yet; in the meantime, I’m always welcome to suggestions.
Do you *really* need more suggestions from me? 🙂
But a third, sure. Why San Francisco? What did, if anything, did that choice do to the shape of the story and the characters?
I’ll definitely answer that… soon, if I can! Thanks, Paul!