My recent Child of a Hidden Sea
prequel, “The Ugly Woman of Castello di Putti,” is now available as an e-book. You can, of course, read it at for free, but if you prefer your Kindle, Kobo or Nook, the story is up at Amazon
, Chapters/Indigo, B&N, and in the iStore.
Here’s a taste:
“Had that soldier heard of you?” Parrish asked.
Few people took notice of Gale, or remembered her when they did. This was the work of a spell her parents had written when she was a child, making her forgettable, beneath notice. They’d meant for it to keep her safe. They hadn’t foreseen that it would lead to her into spying.
“I’ve fallen into a reputation here in Erinth,” Gale said. “When I moved into the mistress suite—”
“Excuse me?”
“There are buildings, near the palazzo, reserved for courtiers and special pets of the Contessa. My home—”
“Castello di Putti, they call it,” Royl put in. “In Fleetspeak, Strumpet Court.”
One of the things I sheerly love about having my stories come out as Tor Originals is this spill out to the e-book world. I tend to write long stories (though I have been working on brevity, of late), and I think my usual 8,500 word length fits well with the e-book format. At a buck, they’re rather a good deal. And the folks at the Tor site showcase their authors’ work so beautifully, with superb covers. It’s heady to have an attractive shelf of my fiction readily available to anyone who wants it.