My novelette “Wild Things” will be up on the Tor site soon where every any anybody can read it, but the eBook version is available for preorder today on the MacMillan site, on Amazon, on iBooks and at Google too. (All versions are DRM-free, and the prices aren’t identical so do shop around). Eee!
“Wild Things” is set in the same universe as my first novel, Indigo Springs, and its sequel, Blue Magic
. Timewise, it happens between the events of the two novels, and it’s set here in the Lower Mainland of B.C. and in the wine country around Oliver and Osoyoos.
Here’s what Tor says about it:
Ah, love. A many splendored thing. Here is a rather unusual love story, sweet and strange as could only happen in the post-magical reality of the Indigo Springs “event.” Read More…
Happy Book Release Day!
Thanks! Turns out it’s available for preorder today and released when it’s live on Tor, on November 6th.