My latest Buffy rewatch, “The Worst Part is the Stains,” can be found on I hope you all are enjoying these. There’s been some passionate discussion of the show in the Tor threads, and I encourage you all to sign up and join the fray.
In other news, BLUE MAGIC is a mere fifty days from hitting bookstores. There will be an excerpt on TOR at some point, and interviews and giveaways, and a Vancouver launch whose date I hope to announce soon, soon, soon, and many exciting things! There will also be a short story, “Wild Things,” which takes place between the events of the two novels. I’ll let you know as soon as I know when that’s gonna be up.
(By the way, if you are a reviewer, and you have an ARC of BLUE MAGIC, and you’ve never read INDIGO SPRINGS… drop me a line. I still have a few galleys; I can hook you up.)