No news is no news…

Today is a holiday here in B.C. I’ve spent the long weekend lying low, doing a bit of teaching, a bit of writing, a bit of walking with kelly-yoyoKelly and a lot of reading and resting. There are cold germs in the house, and we don’t want them getting the upper… pseudopod? Along the way, I read Mistress of the Art of Death, by Ariana Franklin, and will probably post about it soon.

Next up in the reading queue will probably be another Adam Nicholson history; I’m ready for some non-fiction. I also want to do some fiddling with my site in the near; it’s not bad, but I’m not entirely happy with its look, and I want to go trolling for some interesting widgets.

In the meantime and just because, here’s a butterfly.
Insect Pollinators

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About Alyx Dellamonica

After twenty-two years in Vancouver, B.C., I've recently moved to Toronto Ontario, where I make my living writing science fiction and fantasy; I also review books and teach writing online at UCLA. I'm a legally married lesbian, a coffee snob, and I wake up at an appallingly early hour.

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