Perenially under construction, but here are some of my most recent online appearances–enjoy!
Horsewoman, in Uncanny.

Human remains weren’t the problem. Nobody was sure what the problem was, exactly, but Payne wasn’t about to consign Mom or Angie or even her awful roommate JoJo to corporate custody just because someone on the tatters of the Internet thought the bodies of the dead were causing hallucinations. Half the world still thought the last pandemic had been caused by people eating pigeons. Or proximity to dandelions.
The Immolation of Kev Magee (written as L.X. Beckett) in Clarkesworld

Audio version read by Kate Baker.
Could all these hundreds of thousands of tons of man-made ice, literal drops in a literal ocean, truly make a dent in the ongoing global overheat? Perhaps not. But Magee was a billionaire, and as long as he was creating gigs and homing refugees, that meant something. Breeze figured—knew—that serfing for a megaphilanthropist was as close as it came to getting a fresh start. It certainly beat trying to scrape by in the cross-continental shooting gallery south of the Great Lakes.
The Gales
In Reactor:

“The Ugly Woman of Castello di Putti.”
“Losing Heart Among the Tall.”
And, in Beneath Ceaseless Skies,