I am Alyx Dellamonica (also sometimes known as L.X. Beckett), author of seven novels and over 50 short stories, poems, VR scenarios, and even one professionally produced play.
I have also at various times taught creative writing at UCLA and UTSC, as well as writing nonfiction articles about video games, SF books and media, and the environment, science, and futurism.
I make my home in Toronto Ontario, where I live with my wife, author Kelly Robson, and our cat Lorenzo Magnifico.
Fiction: If you are here, it’s probably to learn about my writing.
Press Kit: Contact info, interview information, photos and professional biographies.

Upcoming Appearances: I have no appearances scheduled at this time.
Teaching and mentorships: I am on a break from teaching, except for occasional workshops, and am not taking new students or mentees at present. Lectures, writing FAQs and many of my various essays about writing are here.
The Socials: I am most active on Instagram and Bluesky. I’ve been taking a lot of insect and flower photos on the University of Toronto campus lately, so my media feed tends to look like this: