95 days until Blue Magic is out!

That’s right, it’s just over three months away! You can expect to hear more as we get closer to April 10th–there will be at least one contest, and I or TOR will almost certainly put up a first chapter, and I have yet to figure out what else.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! In just a couple weeks I’ll have a new story up on Tor.com. It’s called “Among the Silvering Herd” and I hope you all enjoy it very much. Or, if you’d rather get your Whedon fan on, watch the TOR blog for my 2012 Buffy Rewatch series, coming any second now.

AND A SET OF STEAK KNIVES: there are still exactly three slots open in my winter UCLA course, “Creating Universes, Building Worlds,” which begins January 25th. Come spring, I’m scheduled to teach Novel Writing I… and I’ll let you know when registration’s open for that. Finally, I will be teaching Novel Diagnostics at the Richard Hugo House in Seattle on Sunday, January 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

What have you all got going on?

Exquisite Words, the back to work edition

This is from the intro of the book Snuffy bought me for the holidays. It’s to the point, beautifully phrased, and encapsulates something I relate to, very much, in my role as a teacher of writers. In fact, it might pass for a 2012 resolution if it weren’t something I’m trying to get others to do.

I am committed by trade to urging people to attend carefully to the verbal surfaces of what they read.

The Swerve: How the World Became Modern, by Stephen Greenblatt


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We are back in our house, safe and sound, despite high winds at Heathrow and short delays. (Three hours and not thirty, I mean).

Our house looks a little odd and unfamiliar: the bathroom looks like it would fit a smart car and I had to think to remember how our shower works.

I also still have over a thousand pictures to upload, so feel free to pretend, with me, to still be in Italy.

But for the moment I am gonna see if I can sleep just a weeny bit more.

Not quite homeward bound!

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As you can see, I am still sifting through pics from the very beginning of our trip.

We are leaving Naples for Rome tonight, after hitting some more museums and the like. Tomorrow after a morning in Rome, we’ll make our way back.

I think there has been a hitch with the postcards we sent out, so if you got one, could you drop me a line?

Buon Anno!

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Safe and sound in Catania! We seem to have no Wifi at our B&B, so if the flow of pics stops, don't worry!Last Import-52Last Import-51Last Import-50Last Import-49Last Import-48
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Happy New Year, friends and neighbours!

I am writing you from beautiful Napoli, at the tail end of my Italian vacation, listening to the sound of HUGE rockets going off in the streets and wondering how thoroughly shocking it will sound at midnight.

If you’re reading this, I hope you have a terrific December 31st and that 2012 brings you every possible blessing and bounty.