Tomorrow evening there will be a dual launch for two Exile Editions anthologies: Dead North: Canadian Zombie Fiction
, and Fractured: Tales of the Canadian Post-Apocalypse
, both edited by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. The latter features my story “Snow Angels,” and I’ll be reading a snippet of it there. Other readers for the evening include: David Huebert, John Jantunen, Michael Matheson, Christine Ottoni, Tessa Brown and Frank Westcott.
This will be my third reading this week. I was at Inspire! courtesy of SFWA, on Friday and on Sunday I participated in the SFContario reading series, Hydra’s Hearth, with the gracious support of the Toronto Arts Council.
Child of a Hidden Sea has been getting a bit of press here and there: Kirkus mentioned it in conjunction with Inspire! . I had an interview in The Province with Peter Darbyshire, and the delightful and excellent Nisi Shawl featured it in the Seattle Times, in an article about fictional adventuresses.