I have over fifty short stories in print, and many of them can be found at my Curious Fictions page, which contains reprints of stories of mine from various print anthologies. Stories are posted for free, and if you like them, CF makes it easy to tip. You can also set up a monthly subscription so you’ll be notified when I post new stories.
Tor Singles (free online and available for ereaders!)
The wonderful team at Tor.com has published several of my stories, giving them beautiful covers and making them available for free at their site as well as publishing them in various ebook format. Check out these beautiful covers:
Fine, they’re gorgeous, but where are they?
“Among the Silvering Herd” – Free at Tor.com! Ebook from MacMillan Books, for Kindle, or via iTunes. “Among the Silvering Herd” is also available for Nook and Kobo.
“The Ugly Woman of Castello di Putti” – Tor.com! Or: Kindle single, iTunes, Nook , Kobo.
“The Glass Galago” – Read it here at Tor.com!
“Losing Heart among the Tall” – Read it now at Tor.com!
“The Color of Paradox” – Tor.com. Kindle, iTunes, Nook and Kobo.
“Wild Things” – Tor.com (free!) MacMillan Books, Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Nook.
Most of the other things I have to offer you online are straight-up science fiction
The Proxy War (otherwise known as Squid Stories)
- The Sweet Spot is the earliest of my Proxy War series. A teenaged girl named Ruth Gerrickle and her brother Matt try to survive the Battle of Kauai. (Lightspeed Magazine).
- Five Good Things about Meghan Sheedy. Same universe, different battle . . . this time, it’s the Siege of Seattle. (Strange Horizons).
- “The Town on Blighted Sea.” The Proxy War is over, and Ruthless Gerrickle’s side emphatically did not win. But life, strangely enough, goes on. (Strange Horizons).
“A Slow Day at the Gallery,” recently reprinted in Forever Magazine Issue 8, is a piece on imperialism, terrorism, and the way “in a good cause” and “pointlessly destructive” are mutually exclusive concepts.