Nelson, BC

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Last Import-19Last Import-18Last Import-17Last Import-16Last Import-15Me and the Niecelet.

I took no pictures at the Ainsworth Hot Springs yesterday… it was too steamy for glasses, let alone a camera lens. The air was hot and wonderful and beat back my cold germs quite a bit, and the rock formations in the caves were incredible. I loved them a lot!

I did take some other pictures of Nelson, though, though it was dark and rather rainy.

Vacation photos, Alberta Beach

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My great-grandfather Elmo lived in this summer village year-round, so it would be inaccurate to say the family had a cabin there. Still, this was where we spent the first few Christmases I can remember, way back when I was a tot, and where we came for wholesome summertime fun, with leeches.

Actually, most of the leeches were at Kelly’s family cabins, which are the buildings that appear in these. We stayed at one cabin on Tuesday and Wednesday while visiting my grandmother in her assisted living facility.