Ba dum Ba #BuffyRewatch Ba Riley Ba.. buh?

The schedule changes I mentioned recently are kicking my hiney right now, so I hope you’ll forgive me if I just give you the link to this week’s Buffy Essay, “There’s Something about Riley,” and run for my life.

The Irreplaceable, Indispensable, Unforgettable Xander on the #BuffyRewatch @tordotcom

Xander gets a not-actually-evil twin and does the Snoopy Dance. I wrote about it in the usual place, at the usual time.

I am more than halfway through the rewatches now and I know that some of you visit them via the links here but aren’t big on joining the Tor comment threads. This is, of course, totally fine! But if you have something to say about the rewatches or the show, or anything BtVS related, do consider yourself invited to do so.

Dracula hits the #Buffyrewatch, plus bonus links!

That’s right–I’ve reached S5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Here’s my essay on the best Riley episode ever.

In other news, I am building a not-safe-for-work Grammar Cop board on Pinterest. I’m hoping this will use up the energy I spend thinking, “Its, not it’s!”

Finally, author Lynette Aspey has written a lovely essay about my Books of Chantment, Indigo Springs and Blue Magic, as well as the tie-in novelette “Wild Things.”

Oz gets the boot on the #BuffyRewatch

My latest season four rewatch is up, and it’s “New Moon Rising.”

I loved Oz, and Seth Green as Oz, but I’m also all: Yay! Tara!