Cover art @tordotcom : “The Ugly Woman of Castello di Putti.”

ugly woman smallAs you can see, I have a cover now for my upcoming novelette, “The Ugly Woman of Castello di Putti.” It’s small here, but if you want a better look there’s a link here you can use.

This story is the second of the series I’m calling The Gales. The first was “Among the Silvering Herd”, and like that story, this one features Gale Feliachild, ship’s Captain Royl Parrish, and their ridiculously handsome first mate, Garland Parrish. Their first adventure took them to Redcap Island, where Gale realized that Royl was considering turning the ship over to Parrish, because he’d like to retire. The second takes them all to one of her favorite island nations, the volcanic island of Erinth, for something of a holiday. Unfortunately, there seems to be a conspiracy afoot against her good friend, the ruling Conto.

The story will be out in early March. I will keep you posted.

(But wait! There’s more! Buy now and we’ll give you… um… forks?)

These stories cover certain events on a world called Stormwrack many years before the opening of my upcoming novel, Child of a Hidden Sea. I hope to be unveiling that cover soon… it is not quite finalized, but what we do have is gorgeous.

Story Sale: “Snow Angels” to Fractured: Tales of the Canadian Post Apocalypse

2006_1128snowday0056I am pleased to say that Silvia Moreno-Garcia has purchased my novelette “Snow Angels” for her antho FRACTURED: TALES OF THE CANADIAN POST-APOCALYPSE. The full ToC is at the link: it will have stories by Claude LaLumiere, Jean-Louis Trudel, and twenty-some other Canadian writers.

Silvia will be here in March, at the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium, along with Christopher Golden and the ever-awesome Peter Watts.

Story Sale: “Rate of Exchange”

I’m happy to announce that S.M. Stirling has purchased a story by me, “Rate of Exchange,” for his upcoming Emberverse anthology, THE CHANGE. The story is set in Northern Alberta, in the area where I grew up, and features Huon Liu, a young Scout, and some silly jokes about Alberta’s various subcultures.

write memeIn a peculiar coincidence, Kelly and I were on College Street yesterday and found a Toronto Public Library copy of Lord of Mountains: A Novel of the Change, one of the novels from that series. It had almost certainly fallen out of someone’s bag. It’s a little battered, but I’ll take it back to TPL next week.

Nither NanoWrimo, but I am writing steadily

write memeAs it says: I am not doing Nanowrimo this year; I have books to rewrite, and stories on the go. There’s no discrete 50K chunk of wordage I need to generate, and so many things to finish.

The finishing is pleasant, though I do love the mad plunge through a draft. And the November part of Nanowrimo usually appeals to me. I sometimes struggle to get writing done after Halloween, and having a huge deadline and braggable goal has sorted that challenge rather handily for me in the past.

What I am doing, now that the Child of a Hidden Sea* copy-edits are on their way back to New York, is skimming through book two, currently titled Daughter of No Nation, as preparation for buckling down to really polishing number three, Nature of a Pirate. I am also considering what I may set as my 2014 writing goals: what I want to do, and what I need to do. Glancing up from the project at hand, in other words, to look at the work and career as a whole. If there’s a short story you wish I’d tackle, or a universe you want me to return to, now might be the time to put in a request.

*Yes, the book’s already available in ebookstores for pre-order, even though its release date is June. The above link is for Amazon – here’s Chapters Indigo. Cool, huh?

Video reading: “Faces of Gemini,” in Super Stories of Heroes and Villains

SuperHeroes_BookpgeI have been shamefully lax about telling you all more a little about Super Stories of Heroes & Villains, which came out earlier this year. Claude Lalumiere edited this anthology for Tachyon Publications, and it’s got stories by George R.R. Martin, Camille Alexa, Paul Di Filippo, Gene Wolfe, Cory Doctorow, Carol Emshwiller, and so many others that it’s all I can do not to just cut and paste the table of contents at you. Including me–“Faces of Gemini” is in it.

Book blogger Tabitha the Pabkins of My Shelf Confessions is reading excerpts of a number of the super stories on Youtube. Here’s mine: